all postcodes in CV21 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV21 3UL 11 0 52.374906 -1.245311
CV21 3UU 6 6 52.381019 -1.245266
CV21 3UY 17 16 52.381294 -1.246218
CV21 3WR 1 1 52.379803 -1.250443
CV21 3XH 54 44 52.380643 -1.242686
CV21 3XP 11 11 52.379096 -1.23985
CV21 3YQ 1 0 52.379803 -1.250443
CV21 3YW 1 1 52.37982 -1.25043
CV21 3FJ 6 0 52.373031 -1.24887
CV21 3JG 11 0 52.375154 -1.25462
CV21 3LT 6 0 52.375372 -1.246598
CV21 3UP 0 52.366531 -1.233308
CV21 3LP 6 0 52.374279 -1.247262
CV21 3HJ 10 0 52.375608 -1.255496
CV21 3UN 7 0 52.36929 -1.24573
CV21 3UQ 2 0 52.370287 -1.245817
CV21 3US 35 0 52.369412 -1.24514
CV21 3UW 38 0 52.370002 -1.245923
CV21 3UX 30 0 52.370952 -1.245496
CV21 3QR 13 0 52.370344 -1.246123