all postcodes in CV21 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV21 3UZ 4 0 52.371763 -1.251609
CV21 3JJ 9 0 52.377772 -1.250802
CV21 3DE 2 2 52.371283 -1.264
CV21 3DN 5 0 52.371096 -1.265663
CV21 3AH 19 0 52.375241 -1.254283
CV21 3SL 10 0 52.375977 -1.24146
CV21 3AR 48 2 52.377824 -1.25171
CV21 3BB 14 0 52.376864 -1.252006
CV21 3PJ 12 0 52.377063 -1.252313
CV21 3AL 2 2 52.378525 -1.251906
CV21 3BE 5 0 52.376767 -1.252523
CV21 3BN 11 0 52.377093 -1.252663
CV21 3AU 9 0 52.377491 -1.251628
CV21 3HX 2 52.377247 -1.25441
CV21 3DW 9 0 52.371059 -1.265458
CV21 3TY 2 0 52.368917 -1.249395
CV21 3UF 0 52.369988 -1.243987
CV21 3UG 0 52.370226 -1.243204
CV21 3UR 0 52.368806 -1.243243
CV21 3UT 0 52.369777 -1.24468