all postcodes in CV21 / RUGBY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV21 1HE 5 0 52.37893 -1.273449
CV21 1HF 3 3 52.381131 -1.27174
CV21 1HG 2 2 52.397092 -1.2693
CV21 1HH 37 4 52.390641 -1.283205
CV21 1HJ 1 0 52.385544 -1.292235
CV21 1HL 23 2 52.390925 -1.278072
CV21 1AW 1 1 52.391355 -1.254805
CV21 1HN 10 0 52.390833 -1.288095
CV21 1HP 22 0 52.391047 -1.280406
CV21 1HR 59 0 52.390059 -1.276087
CV21 1HS 3 0 52.407574 -1.26626
CV21 1HT 7 0 52.407705 -1.267111
CV21 1HU 1 1 52.393566 -1.255971
CV21 1HW 40 3 52.391126 -1.28305
CV21 1HX 3 0 52.398892 -1.248196
CV21 1HY 11 0 52.392136 -1.25454
CV21 1JA 2 0 52.392336 -1.294672
CV21 1JB 50 0 52.389817 -1.240472
CV21 1JD 13 0 52.390362 -1.242667
CV21 1JE 8 0 52.388639 -1.243181