all postcodes in CV21 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV21 1PR 1 1 52.379779 -1.248063
CV21 1PS 5 5 52.388666 -1.264695
CV21 1PT 29 0 52.390693 -1.238209
CV21 1PU 22 0 52.390119 -1.238513
CV21 1PX 1 1 52.399833 -1.269137
CV21 1PY 1 1 52.399101 -1.271547
CV21 1PZ 12 0 52.3919 -1.239952
CV21 1QA 26 0 52.392542 -1.241939
CV21 1QB 33 0 52.39236 -1.240193
CV21 1QD 8 0 52.392631 -1.240453
CV21 1QE 8 0 52.392016 -1.241287
CV21 1QF 20 0 52.390988 -1.240834
CV21 1QG 6 1 52.392096 -1.242476
CV21 1QH 2 2 52.398479 -1.269897
CV21 1QJ 3 3 52.380361 -1.278261
CV21 1QN 7 6 52.397144 -1.267521
CV21 1QP 28 0 52.391126 -1.239803
CV21 1QR 17 0 52.391756 -1.237162
CV21 1QS 20 0 52.391474 -1.238063
CV21 1QT 13 0 52.391117 -1.237011