all postcodes in CV21 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV21 1XH 26 0 52.385027 -1.252059
CV21 1XJ 46 0 52.385699 -1.253076
CV21 1XL 13 0 52.386499 -1.251652
CV21 1XQ 21 0 52.384323 -1.250117
CV21 1YR 1 1 52.37982 -1.25043
CV21 1ZW 1 1 52.379803 -1.250443
CV21 1TN 3 3 52.399332 -1.265162
CV21 1HQ 16 0 52.390733 -1.281984
CV21 1EF 0 52.38998 -1.280923
CV21 1FD 4 52.384829 -1.265023
CV21 1TF 8 52.394162 -1.260944
CV21 1QL 1 1 52.394476 -1.264979
CV21 1NX 14 0 52.392006 -1.256629
CV21 1BF 20 0 52.387449 -1.249785
CV21 1TQ 7 7 52.395603 -1.265474
CV21 1AB 35 0 52.387877 -1.254832
CV21 1AD 26 0 52.386362 -1.252683
CV21 1AH 7 0 52.387557 -1.252589
CV21 1AG 8 0 52.387845 -1.252584
CV21 1AE 30 0 52.388119 -1.253344