all postcodes in CV23 / RUGBY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
CV23 0AB7252.354667-1.193194
CV23 0AE2252.381895-1.188805
CV23 0AF1052.357315-1.197977
CV23 0AG1052.375544-1.189568
CV23 0AH8052.400055-1.2073
CV23 0AN1152.399526-1.208764
CV23 0AP3052.402101-1.20678
CV23 0AQ11152.391825-1.197411
CV23 0AL9852.404045-1.21117
CV23 0AS1152.366797-1.188332
CV23 0AU1052.36269-1.20302
CV23 0BA4052.379035-1.215198
CV23 0BB29252.383174-1.205031
CV23 0BD27152.382433-1.2194
CV23 0BE1052.382012-1.216998
CV23 0BG8052.381978-1.22258
CV23 0BH31552.382604-1.222262
CV23 0BJ7252.384025-1.215315
CV23 0BL3052.374668-1.219594
CV23 0BN29052.384421-1.222228