all postcodes in CV23 / RUGBY

find any address or company within the CV23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV23 9JU 10 0 52.336815 -1.31475
CV23 9JX 8 0 52.335927 -1.313648
CV23 9JY 18 0 52.334953 -1.313003
CV23 9JZ 12 0 52.333816 -1.313959
CV23 9LA 4 0 52.333956 -1.316291
CV23 9LB 7 0 52.333079 -1.315424
CV23 9LD 21 1 52.334277 -1.323756
CV23 9LE 2 0 52.339329 -1.322302
CV23 9LF 3 1 52.341228 -1.330284
CV23 9LG 3 3 52.34435 -1.340604
CV23 9LH 2 0 52.345072 -1.337537
CV23 9LJ 6 0 52.343598 -1.332759
CV23 9LN 8 6 52.343576 -1.330572
CV23 9LP 10 3 52.344771 -1.32568
CV23 9LQ 1 1 52.343902 -1.332563
CV23 9LS 4 0 52.337019 -1.312794
CV23 9LY 25 4 52.349361 -1.401789
CV23 9LZ 14 0 52.348411 -1.402257
CV23 9NA 27 0 52.349361 -1.40361
CV23 9NB 16 0 52.350777 -1.402578