all postcodes in CV2 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV2 1BB 20 0 52.428784 -1.46428
CV2 1BD 24 0 52.4293 -1.463097
CV2 1BE 32 0 52.432902 -1.464451
CV2 1BG 39 0 52.433932 -1.463732
CV2 1BL 7 0 52.4331 -1.462617
CV2 1BN 12 0 52.431129 -1.461986
CV2 1BP 39 2 52.43148 -1.462203
CV2 1BQ 25 0 52.431721 -1.46167
CV2 1BT 42 0 52.43047 -1.459582
CV2 1BW 29 0 52.432173 -1.466357
CV2 1BX 17 0 52.432257 -1.464973
CV2 1BY 12 0 52.429555 -1.457961
CV2 1BZ 18 0 52.430121 -1.45791
CV2 1DA 6 0 52.429894 -1.457383
CV2 1DB 29 5 52.431946 -1.457836
CV2 1DD 26 0 52.431566 -1.457333
CV2 1DE 14 0 52.432343 -1.456191
CV2 1DF 20 0 52.43241 -1.455234
CV2 1DG 32 0 52.432985 -1.455095
CV2 1DH 20 0 52.433612 -1.454617