all postcodes in CV2 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV2 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV2 1EP 40 0 52.437185 -1.463222
CV2 1EQ 15 12 52.438195 -1.45809
CV2 1ER 45 0 52.437555 -1.461702
CV2 1ES 46 0 52.438097 -1.462284
CV2 1ET 30 0 52.438379 -1.461045
CV2 1EU 42 0 52.434456 -1.466109
CV2 1EW 36 0 52.433993 -1.467276
CV2 1EX 9 0 52.435625 -1.466256
CV2 1EY 63 0 52.438021 -1.467272
CV2 1EZ 58 0 52.438298 -1.46704
CV2 1FD 25 0 52.437982 -1.464646
CV2 1FE 14 0 52.438169 -1.466108
CV2 1FL 1 0 52.438253 -1.466842
CV2 1FQ 1 0 52.440614 -1.468226
CV2 1FR 6 0 52.441376 -1.467717
CV2 1FS 9 0 52.435906 -1.464892
CV2 1FT 20 0 52.437362 -1.464654
CV2 1FU 47 0 52.437368 -1.464102
CV2 1FW 4 2 52.43864 -1.463167
CV2 1FY 53 1 52.439911 -1.465873