all postcodes in CV3 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV3 3BB 5 3 52.387224 -1.462829
CV3 3BD 42 0 52.390203 -1.465452
CV3 3BE 33 0 52.389805 -1.46484
CV3 3BF 23 0 52.388358 -1.466959
CV3 3BG 22 0 52.389703 -1.464106
CV3 3BH 14 0 52.391168 -1.464206
CV3 3BJ 20 0 52.390214 -1.46388
CV3 3BL 22 0 52.390757 -1.462595
CV3 3BN 30 0 52.389895 -1.462943
CV3 3BP 32 0 52.391626 -1.46398
CV3 3BQ 38 0 52.391251 -1.462662
CV3 3BS 10 0 52.391055 -1.46503
CV3 3BT 34 0 52.390875 -1.461006
CV3 3BU 36 0 52.390454 -1.459395
CV3 3BW 46 0 52.390717 -1.461846
CV3 3BX 26 0 52.390659 -1.46286
CV3 3BY 32 0 52.389433 -1.46023
CV3 3BZ 35 0 52.389987 -1.461355
CV3 3DA 27 0 52.389207 -1.461894
CV3 3DB 37 1 52.386398 -1.460899