all postcodes in CV3 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV3 3DD 17 0 52.38772 -1.459105
CV3 3DE 24 0 52.388022 -1.458235
CV3 3DF 28 0 52.387348 -1.460403
CV3 3DG 36 3 52.387714 -1.459978
CV3 3DN 47 0 52.387337 -1.461946
CV3 3DP 22 11 52.388988 -1.463131
CV3 3DQ 15 0 52.388356 -1.460684
CV3 3DR 46 0 52.389353 -1.458336
CV3 3DS 26 0 52.389025 -1.459486
CV3 3DT 45 0 52.389687 -1.456789
CV3 3DU 20 0 52.388971 -1.457429
CV3 3DW 23 0 52.388015 -1.456977
CV3 3DX 20 0 52.388055 -1.457573
CV3 3DY 20 0 52.382492 -1.468058
CV3 3DZ 32 0 52.382342 -1.468618
CV3 3EA 60 0 52.388483 -1.45504
CV3 3EB 2 0 52.382778 -1.469734
CV3 3ED 6 0 52.381753 -1.467596
CV3 3EE 40 0 52.380723 -1.466375
CV3 3EF 10 0 52.380982 -1.466181