all postcodes in CV32 / LEAMINGTON SPA

find any address or company within the CV32 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV32 4HQ 0 52.289958 -1.530835
CV32 4HR 0 52.289361 -1.532234
CV32 4HW 1 52.289816 -1.531335
CV32 4HY 8 52.290693 -1.530358
CV32 4XP 5 52.290505 -1.530565
CV32 4JE 11 52.290851 -1.529389
CV32 4JG 5 52.291335 -1.530582
CV32 4JH 0 52.291702 -1.524043
CV32 4JL 2 52.29131 -1.527272
CV32 4JN 0 52.291388 -1.526568
CV32 4JP 0 52.291926 -1.523215
CV32 4JS 1 52.291975 -1.52728
CV32 4JT 0 52.292056 -1.526571
CV32 4JU 0 52.292209 -1.525064
CV32 4JW 0 52.291405 -1.525596
CV32 4JX 0 52.291565 -1.521493
CV32 4JY 0 52.292375 -1.523698
CV32 4JZ 1 52.292415 -1.521847
CV32 4LB 0 52.291709 -1.52508
CV32 4LE 1 52.287956 -1.533993