all postcodes in CV32 / LEAMINGTON SPA

find any address or company within the CV32 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV32 4LG 0 52.289493 -1.530836
CV32 4LJ 6 52.288428 -1.53438
CV32 4BN 1 52.288534 -1.534471
CV32 4LL 1 52.288308 -1.534239
CV32 4LN 7 52.288218 -1.534166
CV32 4LW 1 52.287959 -1.533945
CV32 4LY 15 52.28916 -1.532877
CV32 4NL 2 52.289787 -1.53463
CV32 4NN 5 52.290368 -1.53373
CV32 4NP 10 52.289944 -1.53431
CV32 4NR 13 52.290384 -1.533333
CV32 4NS 12 52.290314 -1.534496
CV32 4NT 5 52.290568 -1.535065
CV32 4NU 5 52.290707 -1.533832
CV32 4NW 1 52.286522 -1.532762
CV32 4NX 6 52.290703 -1.532982
CV32 4NY 0 52.289434 -1.534062
CV32 4NZ 1 52.290808 -1.53216
CV32 4PA 0 52.290968 -1.53166
CV32 4PE 2 52.291561 -1.531668