all postcodes in CV32 / LEAMINGTON SPA

find any address or company within the CV32 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV32 5ND 0 52.293515 -1.545412
CV32 5NE 0 52.293556 -1.544356
CV32 5NF 0 52.29377 -1.543899
CV32 5NG 0 52.293493 -1.542923
CV32 5NH 0 52.293301 -1.544435
CV32 5NJ 0 52.293299 -1.543849
CV32 5NL 0 52.293574 -1.544458
CV32 5NN 0 52.294096 -1.543151
CV32 5NP 0 52.292909 -1.543061
CV32 5NQ 0 52.294261 -1.543927
CV32 5NR 0 52.29376 -1.541392
CV32 5NS 0 52.29319 -1.541284
CV32 5NT 0 52.29267 -1.541714
CV32 5NU 0 52.292359 -1.541875
CV32 5NW 0 52.294059 -1.542712
CV32 5PA 0 52.290587 -1.551735
CV32 5PB 1 52.291465 -1.548647
CV32 5PD 0 52.291418 -1.547958
CV32 5PE 3 52.29177 -1.548277
CV32 5PG 0 52.291574 -1.548895