all postcodes in CV32 / LEAMINGTON SPA

find any address or company within the CV32 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV32 5JW 0 52.288978 -1.548625
CV32 5JX 3 52.292034 -1.537689
CV32 5JZ 0 52.291696 -1.538455
CV32 5LA 15 52.292102 -1.538817
CV32 5LD 4 52.291595 -1.539493
CV32 5LH 1 52.291635 -1.540446
CV32 5LJ 0 52.292064 -1.540753
CV32 5LL 2 52.291743 -1.541445
CV32 5LP 0 52.292498 -1.542944
CV32 5LR 0 52.293176 -1.54234
CV32 5LS 0 52.292921 -1.543867
CV32 5LT 0 52.292432 -1.544308
CV32 5LU 0 52.29212 -1.545943
CV32 5LW 1 52.292077 -1.541574
CV32 5LX 0 52.292272 -1.544985
CV32 5LY 2 52.292866 -1.54573
CV32 5LE 0 52.292755 -1.545013
CV32 5LZ 0 52.292411 -1.545907
CV32 5NA 0 52.292429 -1.546849
CV32 5NB 0 52.293725 -1.544856