all postcodes in CV35 / WARWICK

find any address or company within the CV35 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV35 0JS 36 11 52.155896 -1.508868
CV35 0JT 13 1 52.155712 -1.510025
CV35 0JU 16 0 52.156094 -1.506703
CV35 0JX 2 1 52.156355 -1.503356
CV35 0JY 20 0 52.155725 -1.500217
CV35 0JZ 27 0 52.155941 -1.503302
CV35 0LA 34 1 52.157038 -1.506853
CV35 0LB 19 1 52.156496 -1.508423
CV35 0LD 48 0 52.157982 -1.504518
CV35 0LE 33 0 52.158281 -1.507439
CV35 0LF 45 0 52.157941 -1.505601
CV35 0LG 49 0 52.158806 -1.506103
CV35 0LH 40 0 52.15745 -1.504305
CV35 0LJ 32 0 52.157526 -1.507301
CV35 0LL 17 2 52.157461 -1.509893
CV35 0LN 18 1 52.158209 -1.509471
CV35 0LP 28 2 52.15797 -1.510351
CV35 0LQ 11 0 52.158414 -1.506999
CV35 0LR 13 0 52.158563 -1.506047
CV35 0LS 11 0 52.158781 -1.508603