all postcodes in CV35 / WARWICK

find any address or company within the CV35 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV35 0LT 24 0 52.159659 -1.507862
CV35 0LU 29 0 52.158109 -1.515846
CV35 0LW 13 0 52.159305 -1.509284
CV35 0LX 38 0 52.15762 -1.508411
CV35 0LZ 14 0 52.160015 -1.509218
CV35 0NA 6 0 52.148331 -1.529967
CV35 0NB 3 0 52.148038 -1.530949
CV35 0ND 7 1 52.147898 -1.534268
CV35 0NE 25 0 52.14768 -1.535922
CV35 0NF 3 0 52.144122 -1.534235
CV35 0NG 13 1 52.149032 -1.536683
CV35 0NH 3 0 52.147375 -1.535984
CV35 0NJ 1 0 52.147943 -1.552741
CV35 0NL 7 0 52.148733 -1.536291
CV35 0NN 18 0 52.147607 -1.537837
CV35 0NP 13 0 52.147374 -1.53822
CV35 0NQ 6 0 52.148161 -1.536984
CV35 0NR 4 0 52.152521 -1.534659
CV35 0NS 17 0 52.156009 -1.51236
CV35 0NT 32 0 52.156387 -1.514476