all postcodes in CV35 / WARWICK

find any address or company within the CV35 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV35 0NU 17 0 52.155511 -1.513594
CV35 0NZ 8 0 52.11151 -1.540182
CV35 0PA 2 0 52.130253 -1.589457
CV35 0PB 6 1 52.127769 -1.582406
CV35 0PD 1 0 52.125493 -1.579594
CV35 0PE 2 0 52.126852 -1.571185
CV35 0PF 3 0 52.127495 -1.573776
CV35 0PG 38 0 52.125744 -1.574304
CV35 0PH 7 0 52.128296 -1.571504
CV35 0PJ 5 0 52.128081 -1.574135
CV35 0PN 2 0 52.127431 -1.571939
CV35 0PQ 9 0 52.126545 -1.574515
CV35 0PR 6 0 52.127091 -1.571501
CV35 0PS 11 0 52.126385 -1.572501
CV35 0PT 8 0 52.12688 -1.572774
CV35 0PU 2 0 52.127516 -1.570667
CV35 0PW 3 0 52.127303 -1.570418
CV35 0PZ 8 0 52.125702 -1.572668
CV35 0QA 8 0 52.13556 -1.56391
CV35 0QB 16 0 52.135437 -1.559791