all postcodes in CV37 / SHIPSTON-ON-STOUR

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV37 6JE 6 4 52.192598 -1.707492
CV37 6JF 19 12 52.192615 -1.70855
CV37 6JG 20 15 52.192842 -1.707842
CV37 6JN 8 0 52.192392 -1.707845
CV37 6JP 2 0 52.192021 -1.70854
CV37 6JS 7 3 52.192233 -1.708958
CV37 6JT 1 1 52.193006 -1.708996
CV37 6JU 1 1 52.192565 -1.708911
CV37 6LA 5 0 52.192697 -1.711412
CV37 6LE 36 15 52.192958 -1.711323
CV37 6LF 22 12 52.193173 -1.711117
CV37 6LG 1 1 52.193201 -1.711321
CV37 6LN 25 9 52.191738 -1.708771
CV37 6LP 12 7 52.192397 -1.709761
CV37 6LS 7 0 52.19839 -1.708303
CV37 6LT 23 5 52.191343 -1.710768
CV37 6LU 26 20 52.192443 -1.710478
CV37 6LW 20 8 52.19154 -1.708801
CV37 6LX 10 0 52.19185 -1.710247
CV37 6LY 12 0 52.199845 -1.707664