all postcodes in CV37 / SHIPSTON-ON-STOUR

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV37 6PG 54 1 52.19096 -1.713954
CV37 6PH 104 28 52.192814 -1.715083
CV37 6PL 2 2 52.1943 -1.716127
CV37 6PN 55 0 52.192746 -1.712758
CV37 6PP 3 3 52.193728 -1.713746
CV37 6PQ 52 0 52.192341 -1.714243
CV37 6PS 14 0 52.194242 -1.703605
CV37 6PT 21 16 52.193334 -1.707136
CV37 6PU 1 1 52.193315 -1.706683
CV37 6PZ 1 1 52.19365 -1.707544
CV37 6QB 20 15 52.19314 -1.708366
CV37 6QQ 1 1 52.194059 -1.712998
CV37 6QT 19 10 52.193349 -1.705937
CV37 6QW 39 25 52.194013 -1.708756
CV37 6QY 7 7 52.193657 -1.706754
CV37 6QZ 43 1 52.194406 -1.707729
CV37 6RA 14 0 52.193969 -1.705859
CV37 6RB 15 0 52.194991 -1.708325
CV37 6RD 1 1 52.191449 -1.711888
CV37 6RE 13 6 52.19407 -1.70659