all postcodes in CV4 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV4 7EE 12 0 52.384959 -1.553598
CV4 7EF 31 0 52.379238 -1.545649
CV4 7EH 35 24 52.387813 -1.554877
CV4 7EJ 15 0 52.385602 -1.552445
CV4 7EL 11 0 52.385377 -1.547613
CV4 7EN 4 0 52.386413 -1.548235
CV4 7EP 5 0 52.385123 -1.551877
CV4 7EQ 1 1 52.379383 -1.56025
CV4 7ER 3 0 52.369154 -1.548778
CV4 7EX 11 0 52.385942 -1.55444
CV4 7EY 4 0 52.385735 -1.55453
CV4 7EZ 39 26 52.386998 -1.558103
CV4 7HB 18 0 52.376783 -1.547892
CV4 7HD 20 0 52.375984 -1.548224
CV4 7HE 27 0 52.377452 -1.548752
CV4 7HF 7 0 52.376291 -1.546193
CV4 7HH 4 0 52.373431 -1.550512
CV4 7HJ 26 0 52.378357 -1.548038
CV4 7HL 32 0 52.375964 -1.550119
CV4 7HN 13 0 52.3739 -1.548539