all postcodes in CV4 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV4 7DE 21 0 52.383797 -1.545984
CV4 7DF 11 1 52.387289 -1.547006
CV4 7DG 24 0 52.384769 -1.548531
CV4 7DH 32 0 52.384449 -1.549577
CV4 7DJ 11 0 52.368109 -1.548851
CV4 7DL 33 0 52.385509 -1.549361
CV4 7DN 41 0 52.385686 -1.550857
CV4 7DP 20 0 52.383372 -1.550058
CV4 7DQ 16 0 52.384034 -1.551506
CV4 7DR 16 0 52.383805 -1.552757
CV4 7DS 34 0 52.385367 -1.538568
CV4 7DT 25 0 52.383299 -1.552072
CV4 7DU 32 1 52.383675 -1.551686
CV4 7DW 5 0 52.382213 -1.550099
CV4 7DX 7 0 52.382767 -1.549271
CV4 7DY 29 0 52.381735 -1.547474
CV4 7DZ 12 0 52.381137 -1.550933
CV4 7EA 8 0 52.382507 -1.551947
CV4 7EB 14 0 52.382594 -1.548847
CV4 7ED 7 0 52.380422 -1.549794