all postcodes in CV4 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV4 8EP 38 0 52.39108 -1.562808
CV4 8EQ 2 0 52.391364 -1.564838
CV4 8ER 35 0 52.391753 -1.567357
CV4 8ES 42 0 52.393262 -1.564741
CV4 8EU 14 0 52.3956 -1.564806
CV4 8EW 15 0 52.394342 -1.567332
CV4 8EX 14 0 52.394038 -1.567922
CV4 8EY 44 0 52.393308 -1.567327
CV4 8EZ 49 0 52.392743 -1.567818
CV4 8FB 47 0 52.393534 -1.565297
CV4 8FD 25 0 52.392672 -1.561284
CV4 8FE 23 0 52.392656 -1.561813
CV4 8FF 37 2 52.393796 -1.563119
CV4 8FG 56 0 52.392189 -1.563826
CV4 8FH 34 0 52.392971 -1.563818
CV4 8FJ 8 0 52.393138 -1.560246
CV4 8FL 38 0 52.392104 -1.560373
CV4 8FN 38 0 52.391988 -1.558557
CV4 8FP 32 0 52.391797 -1.557393
CV4 8FQ 24 0 52.391508 -1.557029