all postcodes in CV4 / COVENTRY

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CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV4 8DJ 87 0 52.393754 -1.573818
CV4 8DL 17 0 52.394534 -1.573252
CV4 8DN 24 0 52.394771 -1.572094
CV4 8DP 31 0 52.393954 -1.571891
CV4 8DQ 22 0 52.39364 -1.57207
CV4 8DR 18 0 52.393985 -1.570583
CV4 8DS 22 0 52.393287 -1.57153
CV4 8DT 22 0 52.394169 -1.571727
CV4 8DU 26 1 52.393614 -1.570057
CV4 8DW 29 1 52.39362 -1.569176
CV4 8DY 9 4 52.390521 -1.569926
CV4 8DZ 30 0 52.392364 -1.567483
CV4 8EA 28 0 52.391785 -1.56383
CV4 8EB 30 0 52.391186 -1.559883
CV4 8ED 10 0 52.390731 -1.556199
CV4 8EF 33 0 52.391434 -1.556486
CV4 8EG 2 0 52.392106 -1.554074
CV4 8EH 12 0 52.391653 -1.555
CV4 8EJ 30 0 52.390416 -1.558568
CV4 8EL 2 0 52.390747 -1.560803