all postcodes in CV4 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV4 9PB 42 2 52.409962 -1.586187
CV4 9PD 28 0 52.41164 -1.585172
CV4 9PE 40 0 52.409492 -1.585457
CV4 9PF 34 0 52.408667 -1.58348
CV4 9PG 4 0 52.409025 -1.583614
CV4 9PH 4 0 52.408997 -1.583321
CV4 9PJ 10 0 52.408843 -1.582346
CV4 9PL 24 2 52.407214 -1.579274
CV4 9PN 1 1 52.406833 -1.578558
CV4 9PP 26 6 52.406703 -1.577148
CV4 9PQ 35 10 52.406653 -1.575781
CV4 9PR 2 0 52.411011 -1.585369
CV4 9PS 2 0 52.411047 -1.585515
CV4 9PT 4 0 52.411039 -1.585721
CV4 9PU 30 0 52.410183 -1.585244
CV4 9PW 1 1 52.403714 -1.589411
CV4 9PX 58 0 52.410883 -1.584679
CV4 9PY 2 0 52.409109 -1.584064
CV4 9PZ 2 0 52.409181 -1.583989
CV4 9QA 14 0 52.409341 -1.583444