all postcodes in CV4 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV4 9NB 8 0 52.406158 -1.58318
CV4 9ND 2 0 52.405663 -1.583185
CV4 9NE 20 0 52.405221 -1.582836
CV4 9NF 2 0 52.405771 -1.583213
CV4 9NG 2 0 52.404835 -1.582869
CV4 9NH 2 0 52.4047 -1.582914
CV4 9NJ 14 0 52.405747 -1.581582
CV4 9NL 2 0 52.405299 -1.581806
CV4 9NN 2 0 52.405344 -1.581791
CV4 9NP 2 0 52.404437 -1.582079
CV4 9NQ 2 0 52.404509 -1.582225
CV4 9NR 49 0 52.402964 -1.582578
CV4 9NS 29 0 52.403302 -1.581649
CV4 9NT 4 0 52.403139 -1.581641
CV4 9NU 36 0 52.405736 -1.581023
CV4 9NW 25 1 52.406138 -1.580255
CV4 9NX 59 0 52.407081 -1.582319
CV4 9NY 48 0 52.412142 -1.587313
CV4 9NZ 24 0 52.412701 -1.588417
CV4 9PA 36 0 52.411774 -1.587699