all postcodes in CV5 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV5 9BJ 8 0 52.424282 -1.570612
CV5 9BL 33 0 52.424035 -1.569438
CV5 9BN 24 1 52.423669 -1.567633
CV5 9BP 34 0 52.422987 -1.56811
CV5 9BQ 11 0 52.422899 -1.566258
CV5 9BS 28 0 52.423375 -1.566033
CV5 9BT 18 0 52.424361 -1.567685
CV5 9BU 11 0 52.43498 -1.588468
CV5 9BW 1 0 52.437108 -1.606086
CV5 9BX 10 0 52.43513 -1.597984
CV5 9BY 45 0 52.438178 -1.590754
CV5 9DA 6 0 52.437095 -1.591611
CV5 9DB 8 0 52.438365 -1.589672
CV5 9DD 19 2 52.442376 -1.58759
CV5 9DE 5 0 52.447885 -1.594778
CV5 9DF 2 0 52.442856 -1.573806
CV5 9DG 1 0 52.442591 -1.574701
CV5 9DH 11 0 52.449605 -1.58533
CV5 9DJ 3 0 52.443087 -1.572475
CV5 9DL 3 0 52.441916 -1.572044