all postcodes in CV5 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV5 9DN 1 0 52.437898 -1.579571
CV5 9DP 7 0 52.426684 -1.558853
CV5 9DQ 1 1 52.436495 -1.552548
CV5 9DS 20 1 52.432146 -1.567521
CV5 9DT 26 0 52.431776 -1.567068
CV5 9DU 16 0 52.432612 -1.567237
CV5 9DW 18 0 52.433157 -1.566364
CV5 9DX 63 0 52.432031 -1.565507
CV5 9DY 58 0 52.434358 -1.563268
CV5 9DZ 25 0 52.433933 -1.564694
CV5 9EA 23 0 52.434115 -1.565192
CV5 9EB 18 0 52.435313 -1.563401
CV5 9ED 38 0 52.435919 -1.56185
CV5 9EE 45 0 52.43826 -1.558105
CV5 9EF 28 1 52.437202 -1.558822
CV5 9EG 58 0 52.440315 -1.556981
CV5 9EH 22 0 52.440535 -1.55589
CV5 9EJ 1 0 52.441098 -1.554811
CV5 9EL 50 0 52.445568 -1.55534
CV5 9EN 13 0 52.439549 -1.549428