all postcodes in CV6 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV6 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV6 5DR 0 52.419677 -1.497151
CV6 5DS 2 52.420135 -1.497043
CV6 5DT 2 52.421354 -1.496161
CV6 5DU 0 52.422086 -1.494874
CV6 5DW 0 52.421357 -1.494691
CV6 5DX 1 52.418854 -1.493896
CV6 5DY 0 52.421221 -1.494384
CV6 5DZ 0 52.421871 -1.495009
CV6 5EA 2 52.423532 -1.494681
CV6 5EB 0 52.423117 -1.494333
CV6 5ED 7 52.425767 -1.493714
CV6 5EE 5 52.420206 -1.494807
CV6 5EF 3 52.419612 -1.49452
CV6 5EG 0 52.419993 -1.49528
CV6 5EH 0 52.418791 -1.493823
CV6 5EL 2 52.418987 -1.493454
CV6 5EP 0 52.42055 -1.495185
CV6 5EQ 5 52.420848 -1.491418
CV6 5ES 2 52.421495 -1.489131
CV6 5ET 0 52.421547 -1.490733