all postcodes in CV6 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
CV6 5EU052.421303-1.490618
CV6 5EW152.421132-1.492679
CV6 5EX152.422477-1.493987
CV6 5EY352.421173-1.493678
CV6 5EZ752.421297-1.493309
CV6 5FB152.423243-1.49214
CV6 5FD052.423792-1.490251
CV6 5FE052.423558-1.490239
CV6 5FF052.424741-1.491505
CV6 5FG052.424767-1.491093
CV6 5FJ252.428801-1.496856
CV6 5FL252.428805-1.495679
CV6 5FN052.42826-1.49448
CV6 5FP252.428014-1.491644
CV6 5FQ252.428092-1.490864
CV6 5FR152.427606-1.493112
CV6 5FS1352.427536-1.491208
CV6 5FT052.428919-1.488854
CV6 5FU052.428775-1.486708
CV6 5FX352.428157-1.489216