all postcodes in CV7 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV7 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV7 7NJ 42 0 52.435354 -1.640513
CV7 7NL 6 1 52.435645 -1.643637
CV7 7NN 1 1 52.435855 -1.644591
CV7 7NP 27 0 52.43707 -1.645244
CV7 7NQ 25 0 52.436986 -1.644112
CV7 7NR 54 0 52.437691 -1.645489
CV7 7NS 30 0 52.437947 -1.647016
CV7 7NT 43 0 52.439407 -1.65108
CV7 7NU 2 0 52.453435 -1.618175
CV7 7NW 8 0 52.436021 -1.643222
CV7 7NX 3 0 52.392341 -1.645019
CV7 7NY 28 0 52.390581 -1.650906
CV7 7NZ 8 0 52.39057 -1.653228
CV7 7PA 26 0 52.390934 -1.645584
CV7 7PB 20 0 52.436373 -1.643587
CV7 7PD 1 1 52.452712 -1.673937
CV7 7PE 8 0 52.4383 -1.650618
CV7 7PG 23 0 52.388505 -1.663368
CV7 7PH 36 0 52.388241 -1.662268
CV7 7PJ 5 0 52.387332 -1.662069