all postcodes in CV7 / COVENTRY

find any address or company within the CV7 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV7 7PL 2 1 52.439349 -1.669461
CV7 7PN 6 0 52.391301 -1.654163
CV7 7PP 14 0 52.389527 -1.647094
CV7 7PQ 41 0 52.388209 -1.660711
CV7 7PR 54 0 52.389436 -1.66223
CV7 7PS 19 0 52.389871 -1.644755
CV7 7PT 1 1 52.434152 -1.643384
CV7 7PU 7 0 52.387483 -1.661304
CV7 7PX 5 0 52.389356 -1.652973
CV7 7PY 16 0 52.388859 -1.652374
CV7 7PZ 25 0 52.388091 -1.651043
CV7 7QA 12 0 52.387808 -1.652412
CV7 7QB 21 0 52.386847 -1.652684
CV7 7QD 11 0 52.386305 -1.655025
CV7 7QE 41 0 52.389344 -1.651959
CV7 7QF 27 0 52.387748 -1.6535
CV7 7QG 34 0 52.388536 -1.655404
CV7 7QH 31 0 52.388621 -1.653919
CV7 7QJ 14 0 52.390059 -1.650572
CV7 7QL 22 0 52.388885 -1.649867