all postcodes in CV8 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV8 1NT 8 0 52.373181 -1.66513
CV8 1NU 5 1 52.378072 -1.674627
CV8 1NW 6 0 52.379541 -1.679464
CV8 1NX 1 0 52.360913 -1.596954
CV8 1NY 1 0 52.363811 -1.595209
CV8 1NZ 44 0 52.366635 -1.595536
CV8 1PA 42 1 52.369677 -1.596507
CV8 1PB 30 1 52.372354 -1.598568
CV8 1PF 9 0 52.378287 -1.606447
CV8 1PD 3 0 52.373907 -1.600655
CV8 1PE 3 1 52.375678 -1.603963
CV8 1PG 23 0 52.379653 -1.606406
CV8 1PH 14 2 52.381762 -1.607959
CV8 1PJ 19 0 52.382229 -1.607779
CV8 1PL 43 0 52.383738 -1.604768
CV8 1PN 59 0 52.383556 -1.60405
CV8 1PP 10 0 52.344921 -1.592079
CV8 1PQ 6 0 52.349261 -1.594124
CV8 1PR 24 0 52.355038 -1.609697
CV8 1PS 8 0 52.359867 -1.596126