all postcodes in CV8 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV8 1PT 19 1 52.367732 -1.622976
CV8 1PU 7 2 52.36991 -1.638677
CV8 1PW 33 1 52.36374 -1.643838
CV8 1PX 4 1 52.367451 -1.645287
CV8 1PY 1 0 52.367205 -1.656554
CV8 1PZ 7 0 52.368189 -1.660791
CV8 1QA 5 0 52.377073 -1.62297
CV8 1QB 22 1 52.374945 -1.610491
CV8 1QD 4 0 52.362612 -1.676047
CV8 1QE 42 1 52.365501 -1.667258
CV8 1QG 11 7 52.343233 -1.580663
CV8 1QH 15 2 52.343626 -1.579305
CV8 1QJ 52 14 52.344192 -1.579744
CV8 1QP 16 0 52.349883 -1.589303
CV8 1QQ 5 0 52.333601 -1.574117
CV8 1QR 10 0 52.343129 -1.583552
CV8 1QS 9 0 52.332481 -1.572661
CV8 1QT 32 0 52.333009 -1.571731
CV8 1QW 7 0 52.331788 -1.57233
CV8 1QY 40 0 52.342814 -1.575922