all postcodes in CV8 / COVENTRY

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Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV8 2BA 28 0 52.339203 -1.561984
CV8 2BB 45 0 52.341274 -1.562844
CV8 2BD 29 0 52.342036 -1.567108
CV8 2BE 33 0 52.34128 -1.566925
CV8 2BF 6 0 52.33646 -1.564227
CV8 2BG 49 0 52.341183 -1.565047
CV8 2BH 26 0 52.344888 -1.562867
CV8 2BJ 28 0 52.344109 -1.563624
CV8 2BL 5 0 52.344998 -1.570705
CV8 2BN 45 0 52.345368 -1.568676
CV8 2BP 19 3 52.345293 -1.567884
CV8 2BQ 19 0 52.346239 -1.565863
CV8 2BS 7 1 52.345985 -1.56522
CV8 2BU 39 0 52.345229 -1.565169
CV8 2BW 39 0 52.343815 -1.566871
CV8 2BX 41 0 52.344164 -1.566427
CV8 2BY 26 0 52.343701 -1.565184
CV8 2BZ 33 0 52.343888 -1.564683
CV8 2DA 1 1 52.346082 -1.559905
CV8 2DD 14 0 52.346892 -1.562686