all postcodes in CV8 / COVENTRY

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CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV8 2DE 17 6 52.347297 -1.55797
CV8 2DF 2 0 52.347842 -1.554573
CV8 2DG 1 0 52.349609 -1.551106
CV8 2DH 50 16 52.342617 -1.571817
CV8 2DJ 30 0 52.338142 -1.571872
CV8 2DL 17 0 52.338527 -1.571413
CV8 2DN 19 0 52.341342 -1.571489
CV8 2DP 4 0 52.342302 -1.570981
CV8 2DQ 29 0 52.341603 -1.56927
CV8 2DR 31 0 52.341535 -1.570372
CV8 2DS 46 1 52.340463 -1.569589
CV8 2DT 27 0 52.340203 -1.565588
CV8 2DU 51 0 52.338656 -1.567171
CV8 2DW 42 0 52.338035 -1.569437
CV8 2DX 31 0 52.338811 -1.570281
CV8 2DY 47 0 52.340112 -1.569681
CV8 2DZ 11 0 52.35235 -1.557949
CV8 2EA 1 1 52.350749 -1.548319
CV8 2EB 1 1 52.353628 -1.558333
CV8 2ED 3 3 52.343954 -1.570466