all postcodes in CV9 / ATHERSTONE

find any address or company within the CV9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV9 3LJ 43 0 52.573236 -1.518814
CV9 3LN 44 0 52.57279 -1.519675
CV9 3LP 26 0 52.575577 -1.517578
CV9 3LQ 9 0 52.571816 -1.52119
CV9 3LR 3 1 52.572747 -1.507177
CV9 3LS 2 0 52.575945 -1.519632
CV9 3LT 39 0 52.575239 -1.520681
CV9 3LU 9 0 52.575498 -1.522543
CV9 3LW 11 0 52.573885 -1.519279
CV9 3LX 30 0 52.575662 -1.520839
CV9 3LY 8 0 52.572159 -1.519239
CV9 3LZ 7 0 52.592417 -1.507223
CV9 3NA 11 2 52.573478 -1.520995
CV9 3NB 7 1 52.597084 -1.545659
CV9 3ND 5 0 52.598084 -1.54147
CV9 3NE 1 0 52.630044 -1.551286
CV9 3NF 14 0 52.629698 -1.550241
CV9 3NG 10 0 52.631734 -1.551328
CV9 3NH 1 0 52.600661 -1.543082
CV9 3NJ 11 1 52.62399 -1.522734