all postcodes in CV9 / ATHERSTONE

find any address or company within the CV9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CV / Coventry

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CV9 3NL 1 0 52.625736 -1.562809
CV9 3NN 40 1 52.632649 -1.545911
CV9 3NP 3 0 52.638031 -1.526955
CV9 3NQ 2 0 52.632585 -1.552967
CV9 3NR 6 0 52.64953 -1.538553
CV9 3NS 8 0 52.655664 -1.568025
CV9 3NT 2 0 52.629673 -1.541532
CV9 3NU 4 0 52.584662 -1.525523
CV9 3NW 3 0 52.634425 -1.542701
CV9 3NX 2 0 52.585728 -1.529104
CV9 3NY 28 1 52.592564 -1.520994
CV9 3NZ 6 1 52.593497 -1.520497
CV9 3PA 4 0 52.592403 -1.519216
CV9 3PB 19 0 52.592767 -1.517906
CV9 3PD 7 1 52.593984 -1.512319
CV9 3PE 4 0 52.594743 -1.528529
CV9 3PF 1 0 52.59146 -1.535243
CV9 3PG 8 0 52.628102 -1.499568
CV9 3RS 7 0 52.612101 -1.515036
CV9 3PH 11 2 52.596568 -1.495956