all postcodes in CW11 / SANDBACH

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Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW11 1FP 1 1 53.143885 -2.361873
CW11 1FQ 14 1 53.144508 -2.360562
CW11 1FR 2 0 53.145096 -2.359296
CW11 1FS 6 0 53.144672 -2.360041
CW11 1FT 1 1 53.143076 -2.361672
CW11 1FU 34 0 53.141865 -2.361094
CW11 1FW 2 2 53.144173 -2.361456
CW11 1FX 23 0 53.14355 -2.359673
CW11 1FY 9 0 53.144494 -2.359666
CW11 1FZ 4 0 53.145259 -2.368119
CW11 1GB 11 4 53.144907 -2.365141
CW11 1GA 1 1 53.144313 -2.365464
CW11 1GD 35 0 53.146264 -2.36285
CW11 1GE 11 9 53.14551 -2.365205
CW11 1GF 31 1 53.146191 -2.366168
CW11 1GH 16 0 53.147629 -2.366241
CW11 1GJ 42 0 53.147806 -2.366975
CW11 1GL 17 0 53.149842 -2.365676
CW11 1GN 31 0 53.148501 -2.366218
CW11 1GP 18 0 53.150682 -2.367358