all postcodes in CW11 / SANDBACH

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Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW11 1GR 8 8 53.144974 -2.364484
CW11 1GS 9 9 53.14455 -2.361938
CW11 1GT 21 12 53.144957 -2.36411
CW11 1GU 59 0 53.145899 -2.364611
CW11 1GX 51 4 53.145631 -2.363637
CW11 1GY 33 1 53.148426 -2.363735
CW11 1HA 60 0 53.147893 -2.368022
CW11 1HB 22 0 53.148407 -2.367563
CW11 1HD 1 1 53.143733 -2.361603
CW11 1HE 49 1 53.147191 -2.362244
CW11 1HF 1 1 53.149063 -2.361767
CW11 1HG 34 2 53.147391 -2.361633
CW11 1HJ 32 18 53.145555 -2.362366
CW11 1HL 3 0 53.148305 -2.362763
CW11 1HN 4 3 53.144832 -2.36366
CW11 1HP 26 0 53.149832 -2.359979
CW11 1HQ 13 1 53.148219 -2.361551
CW11 1HS 11 0 53.147117 -2.360345
CW11 1HT 11 5 53.141722 -2.3542
CW11 1HU 21 5 53.145156 -2.369149