all postcodes in CW11 / SANDBACH

find any address or company within the CW11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW11 3PN 1 0 53.147221 -2.4007
CW11 3PQ 9 0 53.148785 -2.411226
CW11 3PR 22 0 53.151065 -2.407121
CW11 3PS 6 0 53.153035 -2.409248
CW11 3PT 10 1 53.154395 -2.402725
CW11 3PU 8 2 53.155925 -2.396922
CW11 3PW 2 0 53.146358 -2.400467
CW11 3PX 1 0 53.15784 -2.402069
CW11 3QB 10 1 53.156948 -2.408118
CW11 3QD 13 0 53.151669 -2.411851
CW11 3QE 2 0 53.152691 -2.412264
CW11 3QF 1 1 53.157507 -2.402365
CW11 3QG 6 0 53.15163 -2.417728
CW11 3QH 8 0 53.159033 -2.421583
CW11 3QJ 12 0 53.154314 -2.431496
CW11 3QL 21 0 53.148806 -2.43331
CW11 3QN 21 4 53.148275 -2.435951
CW11 3QP 4 1 53.145305 -2.436818
CW11 3QQ 1 1 53.138383 -2.403861
CW11 3QR 3 0 53.145963 -2.426389