all postcodes in CW11 / SANDBACH

find any address or company within the CW11 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW11 3RY 39 0 53.12592 -2.375067
CW11 3RZ 38 1 53.12581 -2.375828
CW11 3SH 1 1 53.143255 -2.396073
CW11 3TT 1 1 53.138362 -2.41008
CW11 3TU 1 1 53.138857 -2.404718
CW11 3TX 18 0 53.146583 -2.387178
CW11 3WA 9 0 53.134485 -2.38115
CW11 3WB 1 1 53.143885 -2.361873
CW11 3WL 1 1 53.146675 -2.39464
CW11 3WZ 2 2 53.145333 -2.395195
CW11 3XE 8 0 53.150646 -2.38729
CW11 3YT 4 2 53.146554 -2.39555
CW11 3YX 10 9 53.145264 -2.394507
CW11 3ZB 35 0 53.140052 -2.394101
CW11 3ZD 22 0 53.140338 -2.394626
CW11 3ZE 25 0 53.140287 -2.396569
CW11 3ZF 16 0 53.140763 -2.396469
CW11 3ZG 16 0 53.140658 -2.390384
CW11 3ZH 16 0 53.14018 -2.390753
CW11 3ZJ 38 0 53.140338 -2.391965