all postcodes in CW3 / CREWE

find any address or company within the CW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW3 0JR 9 0 52.990525 -2.506105
CW3 0JS 6 0 52.990685 -2.506584
CW3 0LA 20 0 52.987528 -2.514859
CW3 0LB 8 0 52.9873 -2.514052
CW3 0LD 11 0 52.98735 -2.512861
CW3 0LE 6 0 52.981837 -2.547738
CW3 0LF 9 0 52.983375 -2.517342
CW3 0NB 2 0 52.988665 -2.508139
CW3 0ND 9 0 52.989112 -2.508785
CW3 0NE 9 0 52.988939 -2.509096
CW3 0JW 6 0 53.006209 -2.489628
CW3 0DL 21 3 52.988155 -2.509623
CW3 0LT 7 0 52.987554 -2.5134
CW3 0HZ 8 0 52.994646 -2.50526
CW3 0FG 9 0 52.989231 -2.471023
CW3 0JT 5 0 52.99017 -2.506742
CW3 0JP 7 0 53.008433 -2.488193
CW3 0FJ 1 0 52.995997 -2.508345
CW3 9AA 17 0 53.033452 -2.368478
CW3 9AB 59 4 53.035213 -2.368776