all postcodes in CW3 / CREWE

find any address or company within the CW3 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW3 9RZ 3 0 52.978106 -2.404137
CW3 9SA 10 1 52.977971 -2.40354
CW3 9SB 6 0 52.978738 -2.403398
CW3 9SD 13 2 52.977284 -2.402238
CW3 9SE 2 2 52.976932 -2.402681
CW3 9SF 32 1 52.975185 -2.401429
CW3 9SH 20 0 52.975423 -2.400016
CW3 9SJ 4 0 52.977629 -2.401615
CW3 9SL 14 0 52.976796 -2.400669
CW3 9SN 19 0 52.977945 -2.398595
CW3 9SP 1 0 52.993018 -2.396499
CW3 9SQ 24 1 52.975735 -2.400913
CW3 9SR 10 1 52.980282 -2.401238
CW3 9SS 17 0 52.979073 -2.402567
CW3 9ST 10 0 52.979237 -2.402062
CW3 9SU 21 0 52.979779 -2.401352
CW3 9SW 5 0 52.980106 -2.392092
CW3 9SX 16 0 52.974393 -2.398339
CW3 9SY 8 0 52.978577 -2.400537
CW3 9SZ 10 0 52.979142 -2.400974