all postcodes in CW8 / NORTHWICH

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Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW8 1AB 1 1 53.260511 -2.516829
CW8 1AD 3 1 53.261542 -2.517336
CW8 1AF 1 1 53.261095 -2.516956
CW8 1AJ 4 1 53.262242 -2.517689
CW8 1AL 9 0 53.262052 -2.518077
CW8 1AP 38 0 53.263401 -2.519396
CW8 1AQ 5 3 53.260994 -2.51736
CW8 1AT 44 0 53.263292 -2.520086
CW8 1AU 1 1 53.262345 -2.518725
CW8 1AW 1 1 53.261891 -2.519799
CW8 1AX 15 0 53.26357 -2.518245
CW8 1AY 14 0 53.262828 -2.516915
CW8 1BA 6 5 53.25953 -2.517117
CW8 1BE 81 12 53.256451 -2.517588
CW8 1BG 57 0 53.259933 -2.517467
CW8 1BH 1 1 53.257956 -2.517218
CW8 1BJ 18 0 53.25543 -2.519331
CW8 1BL 10 0 53.254819 -2.519368
CW8 1BN 14 1 53.253474 -2.522814
CW8 1BP 78 2 53.254025 -2.520018