all postcodes in CW9 / NORTHWICH

find any address or company within the CW9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW9 5QN 20 0 53.25789 -2.501223
CW9 5QP 11 0 53.258318 -2.502112
CW9 5QQ 9 1 53.260321 -2.506648
CW9 5QR 18 0 53.258616 -2.501621
CW9 5QU 1 1 53.26238 -2.504274
CW9 5QX 12 0 53.262215 -2.503117
CW9 5RA 3 3 53.262336 -2.501468
CW9 5RB 32 14 53.261895 -2.500085
CW9 5RE 60 2 53.260653 -2.499814
CW9 5RG 28 0 53.260808 -2.502081
CW9 5RH 44 0 53.260635 -2.502439
CW9 5RJ 6 0 53.260077 -2.502732
CW9 5RL 37 0 53.259281 -2.501824
CW9 5RN 58 0 53.260396 -2.499498
CW9 5RP 10 0 53.261848 -2.499888
CW9 5RQ 48 0 53.259558 -2.502082
CW9 5RS 8 0 53.259553 -2.503356
CW9 5RT 1 1 53.263253 -2.508257
CW9 5RW 8 1 53.261263 -2.498489
CW9 5UG 1 1 53.261328 -2.508699