all postcodes in CW9 / NORTHWICH

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Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW9 5UR 53 0 53.256417 -2.511443
CW9 5UT 3 2 53.260596 -2.500563
CW9 5HT 33 0 53.257832 -2.510681
CW9 5HU 70 0 53.258383 -2.509938
CW9 5RF 1 53.262049 -2.508287
CW9 5WX 1 0 53.261328 -2.508699
CW9 5BL 1 1 53.260852 -2.514809
CW9 5NN 2 53.264008 -2.494951
CW9 5GF 1 1 53.263626 -2.498275
CW9 5WW 1 0 53.261328 -2.508699
CW9 5FP 1 1 53.261849 -2.50875
CW9 5FE 1 0 53.261328 -2.508699
CW9 5QS 0 53.262437 -2.50363
CW9 5HD 4 2 53.258811 -2.515085
CW9 5BF 32 53.26154 -2.509481
CW9 5FQ 0 53.258279 -2.515273
CW9 5JR 0 53.256176 -2.514841
CW9 5JD 0 53.259374 -2.511659
CW9 5FS 9 0 53.261701 -2.498612
CW9 5ER 1 1 53.261308 -2.511187