all postcodes in CW9 / NORTHWICH

find any address or company within the CW9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW9 7XP 2 0 53.250761 -2.476888
CW9 7RG 9 2 53.246416 -2.482731
CW9 7RH 2 0 53.235215 -2.48894
CW9 7RL 14 0 53.253436 -2.473817
CW9 7RN 3 0 53.25194 -2.474804
CW9 7RP 6 0 53.255212 -2.465637
CW9 7RQ 1 1 53.249618 -2.481671
CW9 7RR 3 0 53.25569 -2.465208
CW9 7RS 13 0 53.25203 -2.472347
CW9 7RT 7 1 53.251348 -2.474348
CW9 7RW 9 0 53.252497 -2.474781
CW9 7RX 1 0 53.248397 -2.469908
CW9 7RY 15 1 53.239709 -2.471747
CW9 7RZ 3 0 53.236907 -2.484526
CW9 7SA 2 0 53.236501 -2.497345
CW9 7SB 2 0 53.227292 -2.483143
CW9 7SD 4 0 53.23302 -2.481007
CW9 7SE 9 1 53.23555 -2.46421
CW9 7SF 2 0 53.224943 -2.458881
CW9 7SG 3 1 53.231757 -2.464034