all postcodes in CW9 / NORTHWICH

find any address or company within the CW9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW9 7JU 29 0 53.250329 -2.490808
CW9 7JW 9 0 53.250471 -2.48462
CW9 7JX 40 0 53.249206 -2.486209
CW9 7JY 17 0 53.248305 -2.488822
CW9 7JZ 18 0 53.248803 -2.488138
CW9 7LA 36 0 53.249537 -2.486707
CW9 7LB 41 2 53.249253 -2.487993
CW9 7LD 13 0 53.249057 -2.489774
CW9 7LE 34 0 53.249832 -2.489124
CW9 7LF 20 0 53.250403 -2.487946
CW9 7LG 26 0 53.250294 -2.486027
CW9 7LH 12 0 53.250128 -2.485051
CW9 7LJ 8 0 53.252627 -2.482606
CW9 7LL 2 2 53.247592 -2.480254
CW9 7LP 14 9 53.246776 -2.479751
CW9 7LQ 20 0 53.250804 -2.486662
CW9 7LS 22 2 53.265162 -2.488324
CW9 7LT 2 2 53.247901 -2.479359
CW9 7LU 22 20 53.266447 -2.489882
CW9 7LX 4 0 53.265511 -2.488538