all postcodes in CW9 / NORTHWICH

find any address or company within the CW9 postcode district

Postcode Area

CW / Crewe

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CW9 7DB 29 2 53.257712 -2.489437
CW9 7DD 15 0 53.258483 -2.490542
CW9 7DE 51 0 53.259384 -2.489982
CW9 7DF 5 0 53.259315 -2.489292
CW9 7DG 23 0 53.25899 -2.489543
CW9 7DH 5 0 53.255857 -2.477471
CW9 7DJ 10 0 53.258037 -2.489562
CW9 7DL 40 0 53.257036 -2.490465
CW9 7DN 24 5 53.25732 -2.486961
CW9 7DP 16 4 53.256963 -2.486327
CW9 7DQ 43 1 53.258315 -2.489189
CW9 7DR 30 5 53.256959 -2.482834
CW9 7DS 21 1 53.256659 -2.483174
CW9 7DT 2 2 53.25599 -2.484036
CW9 7DU 30 0 53.25594 -2.479226
CW9 7DX 20 0 53.255373 -2.477136
CW9 7DY 46 0 53.257033 -2.480182
CW9 7DZ 46 0 53.257499 -2.480442
CW9 7EB 14 1 53.25401 -2.476341
CW9 7ED 13 0 53.260929 -2.492429